The Sabbath is a debatable question for many Christians, particularly for those who have enough excuses to object, and reject it. The Sabbath is on Saturday, so transferring the solemnity to Sunday will not make Sunday the Sabbath day. 

For ages, many people argue they can celebrate every day as the Sabbath. So, does it mean that since the Sabbath means rest, they would rest every day of the week? When will they work then?

What about 2 Thessalonians 3:10 “For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.” Feeling sorry for the sluggards then. They would starve to death.

Most Christians say that the present generation of Christians need not keep the Sabbath on Saturday. According to them, God commanded only the Jews to keep the Sabbath, thus it is not for us. But is it true? A question to think seriously. Were Adam and Eve Jews? No.

Who are the Jews then?

“Jews – Wikipedia.”

Check below also: –

Bible Dictionaries – Easton’s Bible Dictionary – Jew

Jew [H] [S]

The name derived from the patriarch Judah, initially given to one belonging to the tribe of Judah or to the separate kingdom of Judah (2 Kings 16:625:25Jeremiah 32:1238:1940:1141:3), in contradistinction from those belonging to the kingdom of the ten tribes, who were called Israelites.

During the Captivity, and after the Restoration, the name, however, was extended to all the Hebrew nation without distinction (Esther 3:6 Esther 3:10Daniel 3:8 Daniel 3:12Ezra 4:12Ezra 5:1 Ezra 5:5).

Originally, these people were called Hebrews (Genesis 39:1440:15Exodus 2:73:185:31 Samuel 4:6 1 Samuel 4:9, etc.), but after the Exile, this name fell into disuse. But Paul was styled a Hebrew (2 Corinthians 11:22; Phil 3:5).

There are three names used in the New Testament to designate these people,

  Jews, as regards their nationality, to distinguish them from Gentiles.

  Hebrews, with regard to their language and education, to distinguish them from Hellenists, i.e., Jews who spoke the Greek language.

  Israelites, as respect their sacred privileges as the chosen people of God. “To other races, we owe the splendid inheritance of modern civilization and secular culture; but the religious education of mankind has been the gift of the Jew alone.”

(These dictionary topics are from)
M.G. Easton M.A., D.D., Illustrated Bible Dictionary, Third Edition,
Published by Thomas Nelson, 1897. Public Domain, copy freely.)

Now did God make a mistake by giving this nation those two tablets containing the ten commandments written with His own finger? People would say that this is an absurd question, but is it really that absurd? Then what about Jesus, who himself was no less a Jew? Was he not circumcised as per the Jewish law? Was he not dedicated to the temple, and the cost paid? Did he not follow the traditions of the Jews?

Sufficient pieces of evidence from the Holy Scriptures prove Jesus to be a Jew. He also kept the Sabbath

[Reference verse: Luke 2:21-24; Numbers 4:2-3, 23, 30,35,39,43; Luke 3:23; John 15:1–8; Romans 11:11-24;]

Luk 4:16  And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up: and, as his custom was, he went into the synagogue on the sabbath day, and stood up for to read.

Verse 21 They circumcised him and named Jesus. They presented Jesus to the Lord God. He was called holy because he opened the womb. Exodus 13:2.

Verse 24 Sacrifice of pair of turtledoves or two pigeons (as per the custom and instruction)

Any more evidence required will be for those whose faith is on shaky ground or for those who have deliberately shut their ears. I have taken these verses from the Bible, which prove that Jesus was a devoted Jew. Did he ever say that follow me but not me as a Jew or non-Jew? Never.

Jesus began his ministry at 30. Luke 3:23 Why? The Levites managed the critical duties of the tabernacle and later the temple entered service at 30. Numbers 4:2-3, 23, 30,35,39,43. He indeed was a Jew.

Let us now read John 15:1 – 8. Jesus says that He is the True Vine, and the Father is the husbandman (a person who cultivates the land, a farmer)

Jesus is the true vine. We are the grafted Christians.

Now read Romans 11:11-24. God will restore Israel back, and Jesus has grafted us into that vine when they (Israelites) broke off. Thus, God shall restore us along with the Israelites.

Well, if God gave the Ten Commandments to the Israelites and they were supposed to follow them, why are we not supposed to follow them? On what merit should this exclude us? When God grafts us as per His plan, we will take the nature of the original tree. Then what it meant for them shall mean for us, too. No exceptions.

Now a question for the wise. Do you want to be grafted or not? If yes, then you have to follow the 10 Commandments and you do not have choices. If not, then you cannot be a Christian. Christ said that He is the Lord, even of the Sabbath. Lord also means the owner or one to whom something belongs. If the Sabbath belongs to Jesus and we to Him, then why should we be separated only for the Sabbath? God’s own finger wrote all the 10 commandments. It has His impression. It is His will.

( (Psalms 40:8) I delight to do thy will, O my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.)

Do you not delight in doing His will? If yes, please keep the 10 commandments without exceptions. 

When we pray the Lord’s prayer we pray “… Thy will be done on earth as in heaven’’ we should seriously think about what it really means. 

Let us keep His will and with a happy heart. God bless.

This post is a part of the series for Sabbath. Please do visit for further future lessons/ chapters.