Mr. Donald was an old man living in the countryside with his wife. As the children had grown old and got their jobs in the town the old couple had to live all alone. Both of them were devoted Christians and followed the Doctrine of the Bible. For them, it was a joy following God’s commandments and they did it religiously. The Lord had also blessed them abundantly with health and happiness.

One Monday morning he had to travel to the town to meet his grandchildren and they fixed the rendezvous in a small restaurant. They all met at the decided time and all were glad to see each other after a long time.  As the meal was served, Mr. Donald asked the members of the family to bow their heads as he was about to say grace.

There was a group of young boys on the table next to them, who were observing this family with keen interest. As soon as Mr. Donald had finished his prayer, one of the boys asked loudly, “ Hey Oldie!! Does everybody in your country pray before eating?” 

Without missing a beat Mr. Donald replied, “ No son, the pigs do not pray before eating!!”

John 6:11 (KJV)And Jesus took the loaves; and when he had given thanks, he distributed to the disciples, and the disciples to them that were set down; and likewise of the fishes as much as they would.

Hope you do pray before eating !!