Could Jesus have said No to the Cross??

Could Jesus have said No to the Cross??

I read about this topic in one of the Adventist magazines long back. The answers in it have till today left an indelible impression in my mind which shall remain for eons to come. Did you ever think that Jesus could have said no to the cross? Well, in fact, he could...
Can I make a miracle happen?

Can I make a miracle happen?

Matthew 25:40  And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Memory Verses:-  James 1:17, Ephesians 2:8,  Also Read 1 Corinthians 12. There are many...
Why The Bible Prohibits Pork Meat?

Why The Bible Prohibits Pork Meat?

Instruction in the Book There are many passages in the Bible full of advice and straight-up wisdom. Some of these passages, when read in context, act as warnings against the consumption of certain foods. Pork meat is one such food that many people overlook. In this...
The Pigs don’t pray!!

The Pigs don’t pray!!

Mr. Donald was an old man living in the countryside with his wife. As the children had grown old and got their jobs in the town the old couple had to live all alone. Both of them were devoted Christians and followed the Doctrine of the Bible. For them, it was a joy...
The Silver Spoon and the Pastor

The Silver Spoon and the Pastor

A new pastor had been posted recently to the church in the town. He was a young and dynamic personality, impressing all by his sermons and ready reference to the Bible verses, which made him a favorite within the first few weeks. There was none who did not want to...
Why is Idolatry a Sin?

Why is Idolatry a Sin?

A pagan form of Christianity, absorbing all the pagan practices, is one of the misrepresentations prevalent today. John 4:23 tells that the ” true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father...
Honor  your Father and Mother

Honor your Father and Mother

The fifth commandment among the Decalogue highlights the importance of the Parents in our life. The first four commandments are on God only and after those instructions we have the commandment to honor our parents. It is the commandment that joins the First four with...
The Word of God.

The Word of God.

Who speaks in the Scriptures? Have you ever gone through the compendium of 66 books which we all call the Bible?  While reading we can see the harmony it has among all the books.   The reason is that the Author of the books is one and only God. 2...