The fifth commandment among the Decalogue highlights the importance of the Parents in our life. The first four commandments are on God only and after those instructions we have the commandment to honor our parents. It is the commandment that joins the First four with the rest Five. You can call it the Bridge.
1. What does honoring mean in its true sense?
It means obedience with love. Sometimes we obey but we reluctantly and unhappily do what has been our parents instruction or request. Here we should honor them with an absolute heart and that too gladly. High regard and esteem is their rightful demand without any laxity.
2. The family – The building block of God’s Kingdom.
Truly said “The Family is the Building block of God’s Kingdom. He is indeed preparing us for the Kingdom to come. The Lord’s prayer has the phrase – ” Thy Kingdom Come “. God calls us as His sons and daughters. Parents are God’s representatives on earth and they demand honor with a willing heart.
Ephesians 6:1 Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
Deuteronomy 4:40. This verse speaks of the promise and in the Fourth Commandment, there is a blessing for those who keep it.
The main benefit mentioned in this commandment is a promise of long life that too in the land which the Lord giveth. This ensures complete prosperity. The blessings we receive from our parents are also worth it. The wisdom and experience passed on to us from our parents are also immense and immaculate. An assurance that obedience has rewards.
3. The Scripture says that obedience is better than sacrifice.
1 Samuel 15:22
Our family is a small society with which we begin interacting when we start gaining wisdom and knowledge. The basic training regarding behaving in society is among the first few lessons taught to us by our parents in the family itself. How we behave, respect, love, reciprocate are the few chapters. Only by learning them diligently with a love towards our parents shall we be able to walk well in the world and represent Christ as we are the ambassadors. Our behavior can help us earn a name or shame.
Aged Parents
Sometimes in the later age when the parents have grown old and the children too, the parents may demand, or instruct somethings which may contradict God’s law. In those matters, it would be advisable to choose to listen to God rather than them.
Yes, before summing up we should also know that after an age the obedience should be within the ambit of God’s love and law. But we cannot substitute the honor towards parents.
God Bless.