God has given us the gift of friendship to help us flourish as individuals and as Christians. The Bible’s depiction of friendship can teach us valuable lessons about what it means to be a Christ-follower and a friend. Some things we can take away from these friendships in the Bible are listed below:

Abraham and Lot: Loyalty and Sacrifice

Abraham and Lot were relatives, and they ended up being best friends. From their native land, they set out together for the land God had promised Abraham. When their flocks became too large to graze together, Abraham graciously offered Lot the first dibs on a new settlement location. Lot established himself in the prosperous plain of Sodom, but he encountered difficulties when hostile kings attacked the city. Even though it cost him his life, Abraham did not think twice about saving his friend. To reclaim Lot and his belongings, he assembled a large force and relentlessly pursued the invaders.

Abraham’s example of loyalty and selflessness in his friendship with Lot is instructive. He didn’t punish Lot for picking the better land, and he didn’t run away from him when things got scary. He was so dedicated to his friend that he would do anything for him, no matter the cost. We can follow Abraham’s example by always being there for our friends, especially when they’re struggling.

Ruth and Naomi: Commitment and Kindness

Ruth and Naomi were more than just mother- and daughter-in-law; they were also remarkably close friends. Naomi returned to Judah after the deaths of her husband and two sons. Ruth and Orpah, her other daughter-in-law, were strongly encouraged to remain in Moab and look for new husbands. While Orpah was willing to leave Naomi, Ruth was not. She declared her undying devotion and stated, “I’ll go wherever you go and stay wherever you do. I pledge allegiance to you, your people, and your God. When I die, I want to be buried next to you.” Ruth moved to Judah with Naomi and helped support the couple. She ended up marrying Naomi’s cousin Boaz and eventually became the great-grandmother of King David.

The example of Ruth and Naomi’s friendship teaches us to be loyal and generous to those we count as friends. She stayed with Naomi and comforted her through her grief instead of abandoning her. She accepted her friend’s faith and heritage with open arms, showing respect and affection for both. She helped Naomi out in the fields and was kind enough to give her some of her food. To emulate Ruth is to be steadfast in friendship, even when it’s difficult for the person you care about.

David and Jonathan: Love and Courage

As friends, David and Jonathan were a strange pair. After defeating the Philistine giant, Goliath, David, a young shepherd, rose to prominence. King Saul’s son Jonathan plotted David’s death out of jealousy over his success. Later, David and Jonathan became fast friends despite their disparate upbringings and experiences. They pledged their mutual protection and loved each other as much as they loved themselves. As a result of Jonathan’s efforts, David could escape from his father’s clutches.

David’s example of love and bravery for his friend Jonathan should serve as an inspiration to us all. They celebrated each other’s successes and encouraged one another to pursue their goals despite their differences and the challenges they faced. They defended each other fiercely and spoke the truth to each other with affection, demonstrating bravery and honesty. We can take a cue from David and Jonathan by standing by our friends, no matter how perilous the situation.

David and Abiathar: Empathy and Protection

David also made friends with the priest Abiathar, who narrowly escaped death during a purge that King Saul ordered. Saul had executed all the Nob priests because he thought they were conspiring with David. Abiathar escaped as the lone survivor and sought safety with David. David took on the duty of protecting him out of compassion. The man who wants to kill you also wants to kill me, he assured her. ⁵ David stood by his word and prevented Saul’s men from harming Abiathar.

David’s friendship with Abiathar serves as an example of how to feel about our friends’ suffering and how to protect them from harm. Instead of ignoring or downplaying Abiathar’s loss, he empathized with him. Besides protection, he took him under his wing. To emulate David, we should be supportive of our friends when they are in need.

David and Nahash: Respect and sympathy

When David was on the run from Saul, the king of Ammon, Nahash, took pity on him. David reciprocated the king’s kindness by becoming good friends with him. David dispatched a delegation to Hanun and Nahash’s people after the latter’s death to offer his condolences. He declared, “Just as Hanun’s father Nahash was always loyal to me, so will I be loyal to Hanun.

David’s friendship with Nahash teaches us to value and understand our friends, no matter how similar or dissimilar they are to us or our enemies. He reached out to Nahash’s loved ones instead of forgetting or getting even with Nahash for his kindness. He also attempted to have a good relationship with his neighbors before they turned on him. We can learn from David’s example and show appreciation and kindness to our friends, regardless of their background or faith.

God bless

Inspiration :-

(1) 25 Best Bible Verses About Friendship – Encouraging Friends Quotes. https://www.biblestudytools.com/topical-verses/friendship-bible-verses/.

(2) Examples of Friendship in the Bible – Learn Religions. https://www.learnreligions.com/examples-of-friendship-in-the-bible-712377.

(3) The 5 Greatest Friendships of the Bible – Beliefnet. https://www.beliefnet.com/faiths/christianity/5-greatest-friendships-of-the-bible.aspx.

(4) What Does the Bible Say About Friendship? – JW.ORG. https://www.jw.org/en/bible-teachings/questions/friends-in-the-bible/.

(5) 10 Friendships of the Bible to Learn From – Crosswalk. https://www.crosswalk.com/slideshows/10-friendships-of-the-bible-to-learn-from.html.