KEY verse :-” (Rev 20:12) And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.

The mystery of “what happens after death?” has troubled many people, and virtually no one has any concrete information. The word of God, the Bible, is a book of truths that addresses all concerns about life and death. So that His followers and believers wouldn’t be confused when they were asked these kinds of questions. He (God) provided them with all the information they could ever require. 

Do we have an afterlife?

Most religions, including Christianity, paganism, and others, talk about an afterlife, but the Bible doesn’t. This principle, or doctrine, as we can call it, has also permeated modern Christians’ beliefs, making it easy for them to hold on to them. Purgatory, which the Roman Catholic Church made for its members or followers, is the cherry on top. The Bible makes no mention of it anywhere, still; the Catholics have successfully propagated it for so long that it is now an essential element of their faith. There are other Christians who think that when someone passes away, they immediately go to heaven. 

What does the Bible speak about judgment after death?

The Bible clarifies that God alone handles passing judgment and when Christ comes during his second advent, post that only as per the events mentioned the judgment will occur. So, it comes as a surprise that these Christians have, through their lack of knowledge of the Bible, assured themselves with their own fallible knowledge of the self-assurance that all their dead ones will pass through purgatory and subsequently have a place in paradise without facing judgment. There are others who do not believe in purgatory but do cling to the belief that if someone dies, he immediately reaches heaven.

Let us explore the Bible regarding the instructions available for us pertaining to this topic. Is there any book, chapter, or verse that mentions someone entering paradise as soon as they die? Well, no. 

The below verse is pretty clear. It does not leave any room for doubt regarding the fate of man after his death. There are many who after reading this verse, will still push the wrong doctrine. Definitely, their agenda is something else, and this surely does not concur with the Bible. 

(Hebrews 9:27) And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: 

 The Book of Job in the OT is also very clear and does not digress from the topic. 

 (Job 14:10) But man dieth, and wasteth away: yea, man giveth up the ghost, and where is he? 

 (Job 14:12) So man lieth down, and riseth not: till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be raised out of their sleep. 

Did the pastor enter heaven?

 I remember an incident where, after reading my cousin’s message on Facebook regarding the death of a well-known pastor; I had a small discussion with him. He said on his Facebook post, “The pastor is in heaven,” and I had to write back and say that his view on this is not Christian. God does not guarantee anyone a place in heaven until Jesus returns to judge the living and the dead. How does one find out if God has accepted a deceased loved one into paradise following his/her passing? Doesn’t this viewpoint run counter to what God says in Revelation 20:12-13?  

This pagan teaching has become part of Catholicism. Purgatory belief endorses this heresy. According to the Roman Catholic Church, purgatory cleanses sinners after death. Remission depends on loved ones asking God to forgive the dead person’s sins. I was curious about the dying family member who had no one praying for him. No one would pray for the soul. No one would pray for purgatory release if they died alone last. Purgatory is part of Catholic doctrine, but it has permeated other denominations in a different form; here, anyone who dies immediately enters heaven.

Learn more about Roman Catholic purgatory doctrine at the link below.

Purgatory | Catholic Answers 

Indulgences !! What are they?

  Reading the history of the Catholic Church, one learns that the sale of indulgences was at its highest during Martin Luther’s lifetime. The church spent the wealth on the showy lifestyles of its clergy and on enormous churches with magnificent architecture and art. People were so afraid of sending their loved ones to eternal torment that they’d deplete their bank accounts to buy indulgences for their ancestors. 

Although indulgences are no longer available for purchase in the same way they once were, purgatory does exist to this day. If there is purgatory, Christ’s return will be meaningless. God will have no one to judge because everyone will have gone through the purgatory episode. If everyone is going to heaven, why does hell even exist? Is it just for fallen angels and other human beings for whom nobody has prayed after their deaths? Does this teaching agree with the Bible in any way? If this is true, then why on earth would anyone try to follow God’s rules? Why did Jesus have to go through so much? He could have avoided going through this pain, shame, humiliation, etc. 

  Indulgence – Wikipedia 

Was the death of Christ a futile effort?

 Men’s continued insistence that they may earn heaven by their own efforts rather than faith is another horrifying reality. However, the Bible teaches the complete opposite.

There are people who think they can earn their way to heaven through their good deeds. Will it then justify the death of Christ? In such a situation, there would no longer be any need for God’s grace. 

 Studying the Bible intently is the only cure for these spiritual ills. Only if people put their trust in God’s word rather than each other. 

(Psalms 118:8) It is better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man. 

 The instructions in the Bible are enough to direct us in the right direction. God always wants to communicate with us. We are the ones who always give God the last seat. We only turn to God for protection when we are in an emergency. God offers His Son, Jesus Christ, as the means of free salvation. The only price is simple faith in Him, His Son, He makes no further requests. Also, we cannot give anything to God in return. Compared to His holiness and mercy, we are nothing. We are wretched because of our sinfulness. We need to obey only.

The guiding light- The Bible

 The entire message comes down to this: trust God and follow Him. Only then can you say you are wise and stay out of the devil’s traps. Don’t put the teachings of men in place of God’s word. Hang on to God’s word only. He is the anchor that can keep your ship afloat in the face of the devil’s tricks, who (i.e. the devil) wants you to stumble and fall all day and night. The devil knows only how to accuse (Revelation 12:10), hates God, and wants men to lose their souls. He is the only one who spreads false doctrine (1 Timothy 4:1) .

(1Pe 5:8) Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour: 

 Only the truth can save you, and the Truth is in the word of God alone. Fallible men can only lead your soul to destruction. 

(Col 2:8) Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. 

Bible verses for guidance.

  • 1 Thessalonians 4:16
  • 2 Timothy 4:1 
  • 2 Timothy 4:8
  • 1 Corinthians 6:3
  • Romans 14:10 
  • Romans 2:16
  • Acts 2:29
  • Acts 17:31
  • Acts 10:42
  • John 12:48
  • Revelation 14:7
  • John 5:25

For the Readers

The main purpose of this article is to impress upon the reader that there is no immediate entry into heaven on one’s death and last but not least, purgatory does not exist. Purgatory is a Roman Catholic church tradition and the Bible nowhere endorses it. “Thus saith the Lord ” only should be the guiding light for any doctrine. Nothing else matters as a man is fallible and God does not make mistakes. (Psalms 18:30  As for God, his way is perfect: the word of the LORD is tried: he is a buckler to all those that trust in him.)

God bless!