by Silas | Encouragement, Uncategorized
Mr. Donald was an old man living in the countryside with his wife. As the children had grown old and got their jobs in the town the old couple had to live all alone. Both of them were devoted Christians and followed the Doctrine of the Bible. For them, it was a joy...
by Silas | Encouragement, The Word
A new pastor had been posted recently to the church in the town. He was a young and dynamic personality, impressing all by his sermons and ready reference to the Bible verses, which made him a favorite within the first few weeks. There was none who did not want to...
by Silas | False Doctrine, Idolatry
A pagan form of Christianity, absorbing all the pagan practices, is one of the misrepresentations prevalent today. John 4:23 tells that the ” true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father...